MarauderHappy1(巴萨球迷):今天的比赛我在现场。当梅西罚丢点球之后,罗梅罗和马斯切拉诺立即冲上来安慰他。但在接下来的点球大战中,梅西一直在焦急地踱步,时而用手抱头,时而像个胎儿一样蜷在地上……那时,最终的审判结果还没有来临。梅西的痛苦,不是你我所能想象的。(I was at the game today, and as soon as Messi missed and walked away Romero SPRINTED to give him some support and so did Masche. For the entire shootout, Messi was pacing around, holding his head in his hands, and at one point he just went into fetal position and stuck his head into the ground... and that was before Argentina even lost. I can't even imagine the pain he must be feeling right now.)